Wisconsin Agriculture -
Carbon/Energy/Water Project
The Wisconsin Agriculture - Carbon/Energy/Water (A-CEW) initiative, led by a public/private collaboration of Wisconsin legislative leaders and private sector executives, is exploring a series of options for consideration of legislative action in 2022 and beyond.

RNG in Wisconsin: A good option for nutrient management and water quality

WisBusiness.com/WisPolitics.com luncheon: 'Seeking a sustainable future: climate change and farming'

Agriculture, Carbon, and Land Management in Wisconsin

Dairy Strong Track 1: Advancing Renewable Gas in Wisconsin
In The News
Learn more about carbon credits and carbon markets from Tim Baye, Professor, Business Development/Energy Finance and State Energy Specialist at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Division of Extension
WBEC's own Jessica Niekrasz was a guest on WPR's Morning Show to talk with host Kate Archer Kent about the growth of biogas operations in Wisconsin:
Informational Events Supporting Stakeholder Interests, Questions, and Comments
Oct 26, 2021 | 1:00pm – 3:00 pm CT
Topic: Carbon Offsets: Perspectives from Ag, Finance, and Science
Video and audio recordings of this event can be accessed here
Bill Northey (former undersecretary USDA)
Shashi Menon, (CEO, EcoEngineers)
Brian Rice & Mike North (Principals, Ever Ag)
Max DuBuisson & Angelyca Jackson (Carbon Policy, Indigo Ag)
Tera Johnson (CEO, Iriquois Valley Farms)
Randy Jackson & Gregg Sanford, UW-Msn
Introductions (15 min)
Summary Statements Regarding Carbon Offsets & Agriculture, and Professional Interest by each speaker (Each speaker 10 minutes, 60 minutes total)
Q&A and Wrap-up (45 min)
Nov 3, 2021 | 10:00am – 12:00pm CT
Topic: Nutrient Management & Biogas Systems: Perspectives from Ag, Finance, and Engineering
Video and audio recordings of this event can be accessed here
Mark Broses (Biogas Workgroup Leader)
Steve Dvorak (CEO, DVO)
Dr. Bob Nagle (Dairy producer & digester consultant)
Sam Lehr (Renewable Natural Gas Coalition)
Mark Hill (Co-CEO, Novilla)
Introductions (15 min)
Summary Statements Regarding Nutrient Management and Biogas Systems, and Professional Interest by each speaker (Each speaker 10 minutes, 60 minutes total)
Q&A and Wrap-up (45 min)
Nov 9, 2021 | 1:00pm – 3:00pm CT
Topic: Carbon Accounting Systems in Agriculture: Perspectives from Ag, Finance, and Engineering
Video and audio recordings of this event can be accessed here
Tim Baye (UW-Madison/Extension)
Shashi Menon (CEO, EcoEngineers)
John Jacobs (Green Valley Dairy)
National Milk Producers Federation
Bob Welch (Wisconsin Biofuels Association)
South Dakota State University (invited)
Dairy Business Association
Introductions (15 min)
Summary Statements Professional Interest by each speaker (Each speaker 15 minutes, 60 minutes total)
Q&A and Wrap-up (45 min)
Nov 10, 2021 | 10:00am – 12:00pm CT
Topic: On-Site Energy: Presentation and Discussion of Distributed Energy Resource Policy Topics Proposed in the A-CEW Project
Video and audio recordings of this event can be accessed here
Tim Baye, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Nov 16, 2021 | 10:00am – 12:00pm CT
Topic: General Information, Comprehensive Project Overview
Video and audio recordings of this event can be accessed here
Representative Gary Tauchen, Assembly Agricultural Committee Chairman
Tim Baye, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Additional Documents
Rural and Agricultural Energy and Climate Policy: The Best Opportunity for the "Grand Transition" to Take Root
Climate Smart Commodities & Carbon Management on-the-Farm: Developing a Business Case
Tim Baye, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative Farmer-Led Climate Smart Commodities Initiative: Building Success from the Ground Up
Climate Finance Governance Board Narrative