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to nutrient management and water quality

challenges in Wisconsin

In The News

Learn more about carbon credits and carbon markets from Tim Baye, Professor, Business Development/Energy Finance and State Energy Specialist at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Division of Extension

WBEC's own Jessica Niekrasz was a guest on WPR's Morning Show to talk with host Kate Archer Kent about the growth of biogas operations in Wisconsin:

The Morning Show - 2/24/22: Bountiful Biogas
00:00 / 20:57


ASPIRATION: Be the center for advancing policy and solutions for Wisconsin’s renewable natural gas industry while driving national marketplace opportunities for members.


Elemental science explains nutrients are never lost or wasted from the Earth. They move from one location to another either by nature or by choice. 


The dairy industry has led Wisconsin's economy for generations. The land that is home to these dairies consists of the very air, soil and water of the state itself. With this great history in mind, there is a need to focus on waste remediation that is both environmentally and economically viable.


The good news is that where there's a challenge, there's opportunity. The Wisconsin Biomass Energy Coalition was established to advance Wisconsin's renewable natural gas industry through advocacy, public-private collaboration and water stewardship.


"Fostering solutions that allow agricultural growth without damaging the fragile ecosystem is at the core of our business."


- Jessica Niekrasz, Clean Fuel Partners


2020-2022 POLICY GOALS

Through investigation and conversation, WBEC uncovered the following needs. These policy goals can be accomplished by focusing on development of market-based, economically sensible solutions. 




Gain access to interstate and intrastate pipelines for producers to sell renewable natural gas in a national marketplace


Accelerate R&D focused on technology and the economics of a state-wide renewable nutrient standard in fertilizer


Develop innovative incentives to spur cost-effective solutions to help return water to its natural state


Work for the adoption of a Midwest Clean Fuels Policy which includes Renewable Natural Gas



The Wisconsin Agriculture - Carbon/Energy/Water (A-CEW) initiative, led by a public/private collaboration of Wisconsin legislative leaders and private sector executives, is exploring a series of options for consideration of legislative action in 2022 and beyond. Learn more.


Standardize and reasonably priced pipeline interconnection specs and agreements per what is happening in other states

A certification and labeling program to allow farmers to access markets for sustainability and carbon

State sanctioned Carbon Accounting system for determining and verifying on farm Carbon Intensity in order to create a market for farms to sell their improvements into the Carbon Market


Supply chain sustainability and if carbon requirements in the private marketplace are potentially of benefit to WI farmers

Funding sources based on the economic and environmental benefits for biodigester projects involving smaller dairy and other livestock farms


Farm renewable energy projects are properly compensated by utilities per Federal orders

Access to Intrastate pipelines for Renewable Natural Gas Producers

Recent Events

Recent News

Recent Events
RNG in Wisconsin: A good option for nutrient management and water quality
Play Video

RNG in Wisconsin: A good option for nutrient management and water quality

Dairy Business Association luncheon: 'Seeking a sustainable future: climate change and farming'
Play Video luncheon: 'Seeking a sustainable future: climate change and farming'

Agriculture, Carbon, and Land Management in Wisconsin
Play Video

Agriculture, Carbon, and Land Management in Wisconsin

Renew Wisconsin
Dairy Strong Track 1: Advancing Renewable Gas in Wisconsin
Play Video

Dairy Strong Track 1: Advancing Renewable Gas in Wisconsin

Dairy Strong

In The News

WBEC's own Jessica Niekrasz was a guest on WPR's Morning Show to talk with host Kate Archer Kent about the growth of biogas operations in Wisconsin:

The Morning Show - 2/24/22: Bountiful Biogas
00:00 / 20:57


Every perspective tells a story. And stories are often told in silos. WBEC's goal is to understand the stories, look for common threads and create policies supporting the shared goal of renewable natural gas and clean water.


Founded in 2019, WBEC is a membership organization that collaborates with producers, farmers, technology providers, tourism industry, municipalities, government agencies and residents to champion the state’s nutrient ecosystem.


Legislative Action

  • Work with legislators at all levels to develop, implement and support the shared goals of WBEC


Research & Development

  • Collaborate with colleges and universities as well as the private sector on market-based solutions 


Shared Vision & Goals

  • Distill, define and write a new, shared vision for WBEC membership focused on clean ground and surface water in Wisconsin 


Apply for a Membership


Clean Fuel Connects Logo
Michael Best Logo
Dairyland Power Cooperative Logo
Clarke Energy Logo
Byline Bank Logo
Dairy Business Association Logo
The Water Council Logo
Brightmark Logo
DTE Biomass Energy Logo
Novilla RNG Logo
EnTech Solutions Logo
U.S. Energy Logo
UA 400 Pipe Trades Logo
American Biogas Council Logo
D A Davidson Logo


Dairy Innovation Hub Logo
UW Oshkosh Logo


Wolfgang Dairy LLC Logo
Farms for Sustainable Food Logo

Join WBEC today and help champion Wisconsin's nutrient ecosystem



16 N. Carroll St., Suite 600

Madison, WI 53703​

(608) 819-0150

© 2025 Wisconsin Biomass Energy Coalition

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